Hi, I'm Wahab Siddiqi

I am a journalism instructor and former Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Herat University, with a decade of experience as a journalist in Afghanistan.


I am a journalism instructor and former Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Herat University, with a decade of experience as a journalist in Afghanistan. Recognized for nurturing the next generation of media professionals through innovative teaching methods and a deep commitment to promoting journalistic excellence. I am a seasoned researcher with a background in conducting impactful studies in new media and communication, notably contributing to the mission of Internews Europe. A journalist with an extensive portfolio of stories that reflects truthful reporting in challenging environments. I'm passionate about merging my academic expertise with real-world experience to drive progress in the field of journalism and mass communications.

  • Effective Teaching SkillsSuccessfully used in teaching of Mass Communication courses
  • Research: Research design, Literature writing, Data collection, and Data analysis
  • Software: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Adobe (Photoshop, Premiere, Audition), SPSS, Online Survey
  • Social Media Management:Skills in Developing Mass Communication Syllabus
  • Photography Skills in the use of the Camera for teaching Photo/Video-Journalism
  • Translation (English, Persian, and Pashto)


Journalism Instructor
  • Digital photography: Teaching DSLR camera, composition, exposure, and Adobe light room for photo editing
  • Broadcasting journalism: Teaching news and report writing, preparing interviews, report filming, editing TV reports using the Adobe Premier, using studio accessories, and news anchoring
2022 - NOW | Maryland, USA
  • Lead Women-Centric Content Creation: Direct reporters in producing content relevant to Afghan women.
  • Local Relationship Building: Cultivate ties with local sources and outlets for accurate representation.
  • Culturally Sensitive Editing: Edit with cultural awareness to authentically portray Afghan women's experiences.
  • Set Editorial Standards: Collaborate with reporters to establish standards tailored to Afghan women's needs.
  • Tools: EDUIS, Adobe Premier
2020 - Now | Online
Journalism Assistant Professor
  • Effectively Taught: Mass Communication Courses for undergraduate students: Research Methodology, Feature Writing, Public Relations, Communication theories, TV Reporting, News writing, and Media Relations
  • Supervised Final Year Students' Projects.
  • Served as a Member of the curriculum review committees, quality assurance, scientific journal, and faculty scientific council.
  • Tools: Python, Flask, JavaScript
2014 - 2021 | Herat, Afghanistan
  • Literature searches and writing.
  • Performed long term data management and file maintenance.
  • Recruited participants and obtained consent, scheduled, conducted interviews.
  • Worked on long-term data analysis, generated correspondence, reports, and visualizing.
  • Tools: Python, Scikit-learn, NLTK
2021 - 2022 | Remote
Deputy Executive Manager
  • Communicated AIRMS goals and operational plans to all levels of the organization and the donors.
  • Assisted the executive director with strategic planning and coordination of the AIRMS programs, projects, and policy positions.
  • Managed the AIRMS in the absence of the executive director.
  • Worked to secure financial support for the NGO, wrote grant proposals, ran payfor-service programs, and organized fundraisers.
  • Tools: Python, Scikit-learn, NLTK
2016 - 2021 | Herat, Afghanistan
Journalism Trainer
  • Taught 18 hours a week: Journalism Essentials, TV reporting, Radio package production, Media law, and Access to information. Created lectures and workshops, worked with students one on one to improve their skill
2011 - 2015 | Herat, Afghanistan
News Anchor
  • Hosted nightly news service. Delivered accurate news to viewers.
  • Assisted the newsroom in writing news. In writing news articles, ensuring clarity and accuracy for journalistic standards.
  • Invited guests to news programs. Utilized interpersonal skills and facilitated insightful discussion.
  • Hosted political talk shows. Hosted an informational dialogue on current events and the current political atmosphere.
2009 - 2014 | Herat, Afghanistan


Volunteer Translator
  • Facilitated translation services between Persian and Pashto for physicians and patients at Shingjin Medical Clinic into English
2021 - 2022 | Albania
Volunteer Research instructor
  • Taught 30 hours of quantitative research and researching "Perceived social support of Afghan refugees in Albania."
2021 - 2022 | Albania


music streaming app
Music Player Web-App

A music streaming web app based on Django

  • Tools: Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQLite, AWS S3, Heroku
  • Register/login to the web app(with OAuth-based Google Sign-In).
  • Search and filter songs based on language and singer.
  • Create multiple playlists and add/remove songs to/from playlist.
  • Scroll through recently played/viewed songs.
quiz app
Quiz Web-App

A quiz playing web app based on Django

  • Tools: Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQLite, Heroku
  • Register/login to the web app(with OAuth-based Google Sign-In).
  • Play Quiz and see the leaderboard
Screenshot of web app
Blog Web-App

A simple and extensible blog web-app based on Flask.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Postgresql, Python
  • Users can view posts and contact the admin via Contact Page.
  • Admin can Add, Delete, Update posts.
Screenshot of  web app
Visual Question Answering

An attention-based classification model that aims at generating an answer for a given input image.

  • Incorporated Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) for extracting image features and Long Short Term Memory for extracting question embeddings.
  • Tested the model on the COCO dataset, abstract scenes images, and got 69% overall accuracy on the VQA evaluation metric.
Screenshot of  web app
Video Summarizer

A Seq2Seq model that generates a short summary of the given input video.

  • Incorporated CNN to detect and classify objects in the video frames and Long Short Term Memory for generating a summary.
  • Evaluated the model on MSVD (Microsoft Video Description Corpus) dataset; achieved 0.77, 0.71, 0.52 scores respectively on ROGUE, BLEU, METEOR evaluation metrics.
Screenshot of  web app
Image Generator

An image generator based on the concept of adversarial networks (GANs)

  • Developed system was tested on a human-face database and loss was calculated by comparing the PCAs of generated and original image.
  • Calculated difference in PCA was less than 10%, depicting the successful generation of an image by the generator.
Screenshot of  web app
Head Counting System

A system that calculates the attendance of the class from a panoramic image of a live classroom.

  • Used Singular Value Decomposition for image compression; applied various image processing techniques and morphological operations to detect the number of heads.



Research design
Literature writing
Data collection
Data analysis


MS Office
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere
Adobe Audition
Online Survey




Effective Teaching Skills
Social Media Management


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai, China

Degree: Master of Arts (MA), Journalism and Communication
GPA: 3.47/4.0

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Distributed Database Systems
    • Cloud Computing
    • Foundations of Algorithms

Herat University

Herat, Afghanistan

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Mass Communications
GPA: 3.7/4

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Database Management Systems
    • Operating Systems
    • Machine Learning
    • Computer Vision
